What do you think presently I think it would be pretty cool to be in control of a military
Still not sure about what the US would be in JC5. Would be somewhat controversial if they set the entirety of the US as the enemy, and the player launches an invasion on US soil.
It would have to be on another fictional island
If it is not set in the United States
Then Avalanche would come under fire for basically deceptive advertising.
If that Agency logo around Washington D.C. is not some Agency military base
Then the Danger Rising DLC will basically have been for nothing.
Do you think all Americans including some of those patriots will be happy about the game telling you to invade american soil?
It's not advertising, its teasing. So yeah, maybe some people would think the teaser at the end of the Danger Rising DLC was for nothing, but that's how the JC3 DLC was, too. Whatever happened to the "global change project"? At most, it became project illapa. But most likely the devs forgot about it. Same might happen for Danger Rising, or maybe the Agency and the US will be viewed as separate factions so the story makes sense without attacking the US.
Look at the U.S. now and tell me the country is not the laughingstock of the world. Rising cases due to people refusing to get a vaccine, political gridlock resulting in absolutely nothing being done,
And an invasion of the mainland United States? Sure it may seem impossible, but right now I doubt normal American citizens could care less compared to having their liberties being infringed upon (they aren't.)
The Global Change Project became cut game content for Just Cause 3 for some reason that no one knows yet. Even if it became Project Illapa, it was never mentioned again anywhere else, so Project Illapa could've been some other completely different project.
If the U.S. isn't attacked in Just Cause 5, then Danger Rising will have been for nothing.