I replicated it in Just Cause 3, with varying results.
Try this at home!
•Step one: find a railroad.
•Step two: blow up a bridge.
•Step three: find a train going towards the bridge.
•Step four: Hack the missile car while the train is crashing.
○ The missile car will not explode.
Enjoy! If you get stuck in a falling position with no way out, use fast travel. I did all my antics in Val De Mar.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will try and find a solution when I have the time.
You can grapple then ragdoll using Y or the button to wingsuit and you will fall to the ground. Hopefully you are close to a road because you can hijack a car and move around. But this will not fix the fact that you cannot walk around. Dying will fix this. Also, did anyone else experience the GE-64 disappearing from the inventory after the Mountain Bluff Blast?
I was fighting drones in the a outpost with satellites and one of the drones dropped 8 granades it insta killed me
So I was driving in my Neon Racer Supercar, and a missile from a jet hits it and pops the tires. No big deal, it can keep driving. Until I crashed into a wall that is. When I tried going forward, it wouldn’t, but what’s interesting is the speedometer read really high, up to 574 km/h, which is clearly not true (or possible, top speed even with nitrous is only ~450). I’ve never seen it do this, any ideas why?
I found a funny bug that I haven't encountered before. When I blew up a passenger plane at one of the airports with my wingsuits missiles. The plane blew up, but the cockpit kept spinning around. You could see the glowing blue circles that are usually on the engines spinning around with it.
Sorry for the bad quality photos.
Every time I kick BH Ghosts, Rico says "Disgusting creature!" and "You will never eat me!"
Does anybody else have the same bug?
I was just flying around Corda-Dracon and decided to get some weapons there. But when I went down to the main entrance, I saw that. Does anybody else have this bug?
DRM soldier’s in the Propaganda Van passenger seat
Ok so yesterday I was playing JC3 and was driving in a Verdeleon 3 down the big highway road on Insula Striate, when all of a sudden, a Black Hand CS Odjur materializes in front of me and I crash into it and get heat. This has to be a glitch, because it just decided it wanted to exist, plus I don’t think the Black Hand are even supposed to have vehicles outside of the DLC areas. (I have all 3 major dlc).
Corda dracon...
Another perspective
Destroyed tower model in full resolution
Falco Maxime...
Cima Leon..
Weapon Shipment Yard on Lacrima is an exception
Just curious if anyone else has seen the yellow flashlight on the ground inside a missile launch site?
The building is on top of one of the snowy peaks, near the moon mountain easter egg.
In the corner of a doorway (where the missile is supposed to rest) there's a gap between walls and u can go into the building. Where there's a lone oldschool yellow flashlight.
I will include screenshot if nobody else has seen it. It's unusable as far as I can tell.
It would b great if I could use it in the moon landing room. Since I have a glitch rendering tht room in complete darkness 😭
The out of bounds where you use a jet from a train to go into the ground works still, do it as normal but make sure to slowly come in from the side clipping the wing in, too fast causes the jet to explodes, vehicles also work, but not that great with terrain, i might be able to get a recording of it.
This is a photo of it
now after death the screen is much brighter
I found new variations of 2 glitches and 1 spawn glitch, Share Glitches, Include your Platform in case please.
The GTA game series has a lot of myths and in some cases the games themselves are intentionally made to encourage myths. These "myths" are always either obvious lies, or the kind of things that would be very difficult to disprove. They're usually stories about super-rare hidden events that are suppose to happen either extremely rarely, or as a result of an improbable sequence of random events.
As soon as a myth is proven, it becomes a fact. When it's disproven, it should end. Trouble is that in some cases in the GTA series a myth can start in GTA 2 and be disproven. Then when GTA 3 came out, the same myth was back. And then again in GTA San Andreas and some have even spoken of it in GTA IV. Every time it has been an obvious lie with no evidence.
The only myths I've so far heard about JC games are:
Those three are total fakes, but the following have been proven to be real:
Has anyone heard of more?