For me it's the box's of jc2 and jc1 the Easter egg in particular is from jc3... BTW hope ya'll have a good Thanksgiving
For me it's the box's of jc2 and jc1 the Easter egg in particular is from jc3... BTW hope ya'll have a good Thanksgiving
13 Votes in Poll
Not bothering to make a pole cuz there's about 50 billion
Just curious if anyone else has seen the yellow flashlight on the ground inside a missile launch site?
The building is on top of one of the snowy peaks, near the moon mountain easter egg.
In the corner of a doorway (where the missile is supposed to rest) there's a gap between walls and u can go into the building. Where there's a lone oldschool yellow flashlight.
I will include screenshot if nobody else has seen it. It's unusable as far as I can tell.
It would b great if I could use it in the moon landing room. Since I have a glitch rendering tht room in complete darkness 😭
This thread continues from the first myths thread that got closed due to its size. All forum threads are automatically closed when they reach 500 posts.
Relevant links for convenience:
Myths in the Just Cause game series (more links listed there).
Do you have any interesting ideas for easter eggs that would appear in the Just Cause game series? Share those ideas here.
For example a hidden Ballard M5B1 Scout somewhere would be an awesome easter egg.
Or perhaps a reference to other fiction.
The GTA game series has a lot of myths and in some cases the games themselves are intentionally made to encourage myths. These "myths" are always either obvious lies, or the kind of things that would be very difficult to disprove. They're usually stories about super-rare hidden events that are suppose to happen either extremely rarely, or as a result of an improbable sequence of random events.
As soon as a myth is proven, it becomes a fact. When it's disproven, it should end. Trouble is that in some cases in the GTA series a myth can start in GTA 2 and be disproven. Then when GTA 3 came out, the same myth was back. And then again in GTA San Andreas and some have even spoken of it in GTA IV. Every time it has been an obvious lie with no evidence.
The only myths I've so far heard about JC games are:
Those three are total fakes, but the following have been proven to be real:
Has anyone heard of more?