I've noticed (both while playing the PS3 and XBox 360 versions) that at times, usually after extended gameplay (6+ hours), the military will act as if you are in a restricted area no matter where you are. Seemingly only after completeing a military settlement (Airport, Base, Harbor[I have not had this happen with Communication Outposts]), and hiding in water. Though this can happen on land as well, it is far less prevelant.
This can get frustrating and sometimes extraction fixes it, (which still works as if you are not in a restricted area) sometimes it doesn't. Death, on the other hand, has always fixed it as far as I can remember. I have never tried reloading a save, as it really isn't THAT drastic an issue, even on hardcore mode.
I've looked this up repetedly over the years, and this does get talked about on some websites, but requires a very specific wording to find, and is rarely talked about or taken seriously. (usually discredited with something explaining the heat system despite the fact that this effects far beyond the areas, actions, and time that it should)
Has anyone else experianced this? I suspect it has to do with system cache, but I'm not entirely sure. Also has anyone on PC experianced this, or is it console only? (This would support the aformentioned idea, if it has not)
Sorry if this has been brought up before, but it is difficult to find, anywhere... It is also very difficult to reproduce, as it seems completely random.