Hello! I have seen some discussion about how many resupply points are there but i never seen a conclusion about it. Does anyone knows how many resupply points are them? As far as i know the maximum i have heard of is 60. I have found about 50. Can anyone with those 60 points share some screenshots of the locations? Thanks!
Does anyone know how many?, I want to get them all, cuz ocd
Hey there! I was playing JC3 and decided to do the "Make it look like an accident" random encounter. When I have picked the informant up, he said something like "Where did you find this limo? At the bottom of the ravine?" making a possible nod to MythBusters episode 185, in which the trio made a limousine fall off a cliff.
Who'd like to see farming sidemissions in JC3? And while we're on the subject of sidemissions, what additional sidemissions or "Random Encounters" would you like to see?
Or something, I don't know.