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Just Cause Wiki
Ninjas (quality icon)
This article has been evaluated to be at quality level 5.
This article may seem complete to the untrained eye, but the gaps in information are still large enough for this elite team of Panauan Ninjas to hide inside of.
Quality Level: Quality Level 5 (click here to learn more)

Bandar Kolam Dalam
Bandar Kolam Dalam
As seen from a Rowlinson K22.
Settlement in Panau
Type Village
Territory Pelaut Archipelago
Coordinates X:26370; Y:6700
Missions that take place here None

Bandar Kolam Dalam is a village in Just Cause 2.


The village is of medium-size and a little spread out. It consists of a fishing port and a bunch of wooden cabins. The name means "Deep Pool City" in Malay and “Airport Pool Inside” in Indonesian.

The village is located just on the side of a strait, near the oil power plant Loji Bahan Bakar Fossil. You can see and aim at the Chimneys from here.

The Panau Military have set up a road Checkpoint here.





Just Cause 2 - Bandar Kolam Dalam - civilian village

