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This article may seem complete to the untrained eye, but the gaps in information are still large enough for this elite team of Panauan Ninjas to hide inside of.
Quality Level: Quality Level 5 (click here to learn more)

Bavarium Refinery Station
Bavarium Refinery Station
Sabotage Destructible Object in Just Cause 3
Total amount 62
Armament needed Explosives or heavy weapons
Value in Chaos points 200
Approximate safe distance during destruction 10m

Bavarium Refinery Stations are a type of Sabotage Destructible Objects in Just Cause 3.


It's a vertical shaft/silo. How it's used is unknown, but when damaged, the whole thing begins to wobble and make turbine-noises, revealing that there's probably some kind of a turbine, or centrifuge inside.


They're immune to small arms fire. It can take several grenades to destroy one. In fact they are among the toughest things to destroy, because short of heavy Vehicle mounted weapons, or Rocket Launchers, there doesn't seem to be any easy way to destroy them. GE-64 would likely be the most efficient way, if there's no heavy weapons available. Alternatively, a fully-upgraded Grappler can pull them down.



  • They make a clanking sound when they are very damaged.
  • The refineries are full of Bavarium, which is probably why they explode after being damaged enough, as unrefined Bavarium is highly unstable.