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Dimah Ali Umar al-Masri
Di Mal Mosry
As seen in the story trailer.
Character in Just Cause 3
First appearance Welcome Home
Faction The Agency (formerly)
Medici Military (formerly)
The Rebellion
Job Scientist
Last known status Deceased

Dimah Ali Umar al-Masri is a character in Just Cause 3.

Personal info[]

Dimah was Egyptian.

Her office at Cava de Rebelles and her lab at Grotta Contrabandero have a picture of her and a man resembling Tom Sheldon, dated 6/87. She does not seem happy to be near him, but the man's hand is on her shoulder. The photo could be taken in Panau City, because of the suspension bridge in the bottom right.


She used to be an Agency field agent during some kind of a mission in Guatemala. During that mission she got in some kind of trouble and Rico rescued her. During that mission her forward operations base was the USS Codetalker. Since then she has been researching Bavarium.

At the beginning of the mission Time For An Upgrade, she vaguely mentions cloning, but this is never elaborated, so it's unknown if if she was ever working on cloning technology, or if it was an inside joke between her and Rico.

She references that she used to research Bavarium for General Di Ravello's weapons, before joining The Rebellion. This is confirmed again in the mission A Long and Dangerous Road where Tom also reveals that she's a US scientist "on loan" to Di Ravello. According to the collectable Di Ravello audio diary tapes, she received the burns on her face from a blow torch that Di Ravello used to make her work harder.

She worked on projects such as the wingsuit for Rico, as well as explosives and other pieces of equipment used by Rico.

She dislikes her former colleague Zeno Antithikara, but believes him to have had an "adequate" level of intelligence.

She dies in the mission The Shatterer of Worlds, sacrificing herself by using the FOW missile system at Falco Maxime: Centcom main tower to destroy all remaining knowledge of Bavarium technology. Depending upon the player's progress, her death may or may not have been unnecessary, because the eDEN Corporation, The Agency and the Black Hand could be in possession of advanced Bavarium technology, while Medici's new government from the original Rebellion has none of that to defend themselves, except for the remaining Imperator Bavarium Tanks, Urga Mstitels, along with other miscellaneous technology seized from the remnants of the Medici Military.


Before game launch, Roland Lesterlin said that Dimah is a "brilliant scientist and the one who'll make everything cooler".


  • "Bavarium can be refined into powerful explosive or almost unlimited fuel source."
  • "Oh Rico - Bavarium is in the wrong hands!"
  • "No no no, not part of the Rebellion, but share the same enemy." (referencing Annika Svennson and Teo)
  • "I'm sorry Rico, for letting Zeno escape."



