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eDEN Spark
Eden Spark (right side closeup in trailer)
Closeup in the Bavarium Sea Heist trailer.
Weapon in Just Cause 3
Type "Exotic" (lightning gun)
Usage Two handed
Maximum ammunition in the weapon Infinite (it automatically self charges)
To unlock Complete The Heist Begins
List of owners eDEN Corporation
Black Hand (before The Heist Begins)
The Rebellion (really only Rico via rebel drop)

The eDEN Spark (always spelled this way) is a weapon in Just Cause 3, provided in the Bavarium Sea Heist DLC.


The eDEN Spark is a weapon that harnesses lightning from the sky and uses it to destroy targets.

The Rebel drop description states: "The culmination of the late eDEN Corporation's research. This devastating device can harness the power of lightning. However, it cannot be used indoors."

Tom Sheldon explains during the mission The Setup that it was created at the Stingray and calls it "a crazy science weapon".


It looks like a futuristic, sci-fi weapon. It is held two handedly, similarly to an assault rifle. The stock and rear handle look like those of some rifle, but the front of the weapon has a pointy antenna. As with the rest of eDEN Corporation technology, it is in a combination of blue and white paint, with some black parts. There is a nonfunctional optical sight attached to the weapon, plus what appears to be a laser rangefinder that always reads "242" on the display.

This antenna/"barrel" part of the weapon looks similar to one of the models of the real life "DroneDefender", an anti-drone beam weapon made by the Battelle company.


The weapon functions similarly to the Dionysus PLDS-H in that it shoots a laser beam at the target, which then calls down the destructive force: in this case lightning. When the fire button is held down, the weapon emits a red laser beam. While "shooting" at a target, the target will be stunned for a short while and a few sparks will accumulate over the target area. When about to fire, it tends to pull ragdoll and pull NPCs upwards and slightly lift some light vehicles. A few seconds after charging, a beam of lightning strikes the target area and produces a large blue electrical explosion along with some blue-colored smoke. Broken fragments of the target it strikes will fly outwards, but this is just a visual effect. While in use, it spends its power and does run out, but it charges up within seconds.

If the target is hit directly, it is likely thoroughly destroyed. Practically all destructible objects won't stand more than two seconds of continuous bombardment from lightning. This includes NPCs, chaos objects, vehicles and even heavily armored, highly durable steel reinforced concrete fortifications. This weapon can also make liberating towns, bases, outposts, cities (just the capital, really), CentCom bases, etc child's play because most chaos objects can be destroyed in less than a second. The beam can target any destructible (unless the destructible requires a certain action, but that's a different case) and make short work of it, large or small. With the help of all 5 gear mods (see below), most destructible objects would be gone just by using up around 5 percent of the charge.

The weapon can be upgraded by unlocking Gear Mods from playing "Sea Battle: Boat Invaders" found at the bottom of the Stingray Area on the map, though there are only 5 gears to earn. When fully upgraded, the eDEN Spark's lightning turns an even brighter electric blue.

Simply put, the eDEN Spark's function is a devastating device that harnesses a powerful beam of lightning which can destroy pretty much anything within mere seconds. As such, this weapon can be used to easily defeat anything in the game, be it ships and boats, infantry, ground vehicles, tanks, or helicopters, not to mention its ability to destroy destructibles, such as bridges and gas stations, or military chaos objects. Not even the toughest vehicles in the game (Military Corvette, U41 Ptakojester, Urga Mstitel, Imperator Bavarium Tank, Urga Fura 570 and Mech) last long under continuous fire from this weapon.

As an infinitely self-charging weapon that never runs out of "ammunition", there are still a few disadvantages to this weapon. The most notable one is that enemies/destructibles under indestructible cover are immune to the weapon, as the lightning cannot reach them. When engaging in combat indoors/underground, this weapon is useless. Another disadvantage is that it is also fairly difficult at destroying fixed-wing aircraft such as the U-7 Dravec or the CS7 Thunderhawk in flight as it's very difficult to keep the laser on them the whole time the lightning charges, but that's only if they're moving around erratically.



  • The weapon functions similarly to the Dionysus PLDS-H, but the overall resembles The Thunderbird.
  • The way the weapon functions makes it seem like an ion cannon.
  • The eDEN Spark's damage (when fully upgraded) appears to be one of the highest of all weapons in Just Cause 3.
  • The ability to make the target disappear (despawn) is shared with the M488.
  • It is possible to harm Rico if you fire the weapon close enough and hold the trigger while spinning on yourself. This won't kill you: as soon as the beam hits Rico, he will instantly ragdoll and cease the fire, while taking a moderate amount of damage in the split-second that he was very briefly hit by the lightning.
  • A rare glitch will make the cylindrical beam of lightning fail to render, leaving only the lightning effects. Pictures are below.
  • When Rico holsters the weapon, he will put it on his back normally, but it will then turn 180 degrees downward. Incidentally, this makes the eDEN Spark the only gun that Rico puts on his back upside-down. Originally Rico was supposed to carry all weapons that way.
  • The DA 9.3 Lightning Gun is this weapon's successor.
  • This was the first handheld weapon in the Just Cause Game Series that had infinite ammunition. There were some exceptions, but those were mission exclusive to Just Cause 3.
    • The DK Pistol easter egg weapon has infinite ammunition, but deals no damage.
    • There is an easter egg in Just Cause 4 that is the Cow Gun that also has infinite ammunition, but deals no damage.
    • Although somewhat unrelated, in the mission Rogue Agent, any gun Rico uses during the attack on the USS Statesman will have infinite ammunition.
  • Unlike real life, the lightning will not carry in water, and will only affect the area of the beam.
    • In reality though, water is actually in itself a horrible conductor of electricity, but all water in the world has some minerals in it which is what makes it conductible.
  • This weapon is similar to The Little General in that there is only one spawn point.
    • However unlike the mentioned, this one is available through rebel drop.


