Just Cause Wiki
Ninjas (quality icon)
This article has been evaluated to be at quality level 5.
This article may seem complete to the untrained eye, but the gaps in information are still large enough for this elite team of Panauan Ninjas to hide inside of.
Quality Level: Quality Level 5 (click here to learn more)

eDEN Station: The Spider
EDEN Station The Spider
Settlement in Medici
Type Multi-purpose research center
Region Insula Lacrima
Province Nebio Nord
Coordinates N 40 52.710
E 5 37.100
Missions that take place here None

eDEN Station: The Spider is a multi-purpose research center in Just Cause 3. It only appears in the Mech Land Assault DLC.


In-game map description: "The eDEN Station "The Spider" used to be a multi-purpose research center: satcom and communications, cryo-biology labs, greenhouses. Like all other facilities, unfinished drone prototypes would hover around to supervise employees and transport heavy goods. Accidents did happen on rare occasions, usually shortly after major upgrades to the drones software. Mechs were also a frequent sight as they were invaluable for any transport or construction work."

One Suppression drone and a few smaller drones guard this place from Black Hand and the likes of Rico. Strangely the Surveillance Mast is at the bottom of a big hole, which makes the mast several meters lower. The purpose of this hole is unknown, though from above it does look like a small mine.

The hangar has 3 glass domed test containers. The glass on each is broken. The same things, but with intact glass can be found aboard the eDEN Airship.

There's also 1 old crane that makes metallic mechanical tension noise.



  • There is a error of logic in the map description: "satcom and communications ". Satcom is short for satellite communications.
  • Behind the door is a secret tunnel which leads to some snow. This potential new easter egg needs confirmation.
