Just Cause Wiki
Just Cause Wiki
Tom Sheldon
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Elevators are a method of transportation in the Just Cause Game Series.


An elevator from the inside, in JC2.

Description (JC1)[]

In-universe, the buildings of Nuevo Estocolmo and Esperito City probably have these, but we have no direct evidence.

The San Esperito towers have a door at ground level that effectively teleports Rico to another door on the roof. Considering the height of the towers, these surely must have elevators as the primary means of vertical transit of visitors.

Description (JC2)[]

They can be found only at the Three Kings Hotel and at the PBC Tower, going up and down the sides. They can be used by people who are inexperienced with the Protec Grappler G3 or just don't want to bother grappling, to reach the top of the building nearly as quick and much easier. They are never used by the AI, and are only there for show, as they can't be entered.

Their top speed may be at least 10 m/s.

Locations (JC2)[]

Description (JC3)[]

Each regional central command base has a tower with an elevator, but strangely the elevators are of very little use, because they don't go all the way up, so the player still has to use stairs, or the Grappler.

Locations (JC3)[]

Description (JC4)[]

This game has a number of large cargo elevators at multiple bases. They are all used in the missions that are set at those locations and most of them remain functional after the mission.

Locations (JC4)[]

Large cargo elevators:

Unique ones:


See also: Just Cause 2 Bugs and glitches.

It's not known what game platform this should work on, but reportedly, there is a glitch at the Three Kings Hotel on all three of the hotel towers where you can Grapple into the top section of the building. Take the elevator to the top and grapple at the ceiling. Right before making impact, cancel the grapple to propel Rico through the ceiling. This glitch will make you see the outside of the building as well some of the inside.
