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Just Cause Wiki
Tom Sheldon
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Character in Just Cause 3
First appearance Storming the Hive
Faction Former Prisoners of Lacrima
Job "Ringleader"
Last known status Alive

Ivan is a character in Just Cause 3 DLC: Mech Land Assault.


He is one of the leaders of the Former Prisoners of Lacrima alongside Eva and Gregorio.

At some point before the events of Stowaway he was captured by the Black Hand and imprisoned in a small cell at Alvea Detention Camp.

Rico has to free Ivan as part of the liberation of Insula Lacrima.

In the mission Storming the Hive he helps Rico take over the Hive, weakening the Black Hand forces. He commands an attack on the Unnamed port at N 40 52.250 E 5 35.700.

He Dual Wields CS Wraith 225Rs.

It is unknown what becomes of him after the Black Hand are defeated.
