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Kampung Lembah Danau
Kampung Lembah Danau
Settlement in Panau
Type Village.
Territory Selatan Archipelago
Coordinates X:24510; Y:30450.
Missions that take place here None

Kampung Lembah Danau is a village in Just Cause 2.


The name means "Village of Lake Valley" in Malay.


A dirt road leads off the main paved road and takes you down a steep cliff side to a small fence with stop signs. If you pass this fence, you will quickly realize it is a small runway for the village as there is an airplane stashed in the town. The village part of the town is connected to the airport by the beach. The homes are fairly run down due to poverty. There are no services in town and life seems to be mostly subsistence from fishing. There are fishing nets all around the village. There are a few shacks and houses scattered on the shoreline. There are a few wooden docks out in the water, which one can get to by using the grappler or by swimming. A boat such as an Orque Living 42T, or a SnakeHead T20 may spawn along one of the houses suspended over the water.

There's never any military presence in the town aside from a checkpoint at the entrance, but patrol boats typically spawn in the bay and rarely do you see any locals.

The airport consists of a unique military jungle camouflage Mullen Skeeter Eagle and a Peek Airhawk 225, varying in colors. There is a Cash Stash and two Fuel Depots here, which add to the completion of the village. You can also find a Maddox FVA 45 in army colors there. The entrance to the airfield however is a restricted area.


Located on a deep inlet within the Selatan Archipelago, it is connected to the sea by a deep gorge river and surrounded by tall, thick forested mountains. On all sides of the town there are military installations. It is an extremely remote village ensconced in a valley, and requires a long drive on a isolated dirt road down a steep mountainside to get to the village. The village is spread out along the northwestern shore of the inlet.


Most of the village's completion is in the airfield area.

