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Kampung Sri Puteri
Kampung Sri Puteri - Main
The main part of the village.
Settlement in Panau
Type Village
Territory West Tanah Raya
Coordinates X:11220; Y:9060
Missions that take place here Political Debate ends here.

Kampung Sri Puteri is a large village in Just Cause 2.


It is a relatively large village. Some temple ruins can be found together in the northern part of the village, close to a few isolated houses, these temples were most likely built by the ancient Ular Tribe. The central part of the village is located around a major crossroad and has many homes; a shop and a large temple, similar to the ones in the Kampung Bahari Stronghold. There is one medicine cabinet in the temple.

Some houses are so small that they would be very uncomfortable to live in, indicating that this is a poor area.

"Kampung" means village. "Sri" is a sanskrit word, used as a respectful prefix. It is often used in names of places in south-east Asia. Sri Langka, Sri Petaling, etc. There are multiple locations in Malaysia that contain "Sri Puteri" in the address. "Puteri" means girl / girls, or princess.

The name translates to something along the lines of "Village of the Princess" in Malay. There is also a theory that this village is Sri Irawan's harem.


In the southern part of West Tanah Raya, northwest of Bukit Dengkang and Tanah Raya Barat Alpha.





Just Cause 2 - Kampung Sri Puteri - civilian village

