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Ninjas (quality icon)
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This article may seem complete to the untrained eye, but the gaps in information are still large enough for this elite team of Panauan Ninjas to hide inside of.
Quality Level: Quality Level 5 (click here to learn more)

Kampung Tiga Kelapa
Kampung Tiga Kelapa
Panau City can be seen in the distance, but not from the ground.
Settlement in Panau
Type Village
Territory West Tanah Raya
Coordinates X:9900; Y:7030
Missions that take place here None

Kampung Tiga Kelapa is a village in Just Cause 2.


This town is located near a jungle. Something notable is that the houses of this village are of the rare design where they are built on top of poles. They are not found in other territories of Panau. Oddly, some of them seem too small for being designed for humans, instead looking like decorations of some sort. At least one shop and at least one checkpoint are also found in this village.

There is a fruit stand at the motorway/highway at the edge the village in the south-east.

This village is the closest to the Kampung Bahari stronghold.

There are two skulls near the village: one to the north and one to the south. Both are close to the road.

The name of the settlement means "Three Coconut Village" in both Malay and Indonesian.


The village is close to the PMS highway and surrounded by jungle. There is a hill to the east. A local road passes through the village and leads to the highway. It is odd for the gas station to be located here, instead of next to the very close highway.




  • Strangely, there is a cash stash just outside the settlement limits on the fruit stand near the highway. It might have made more sense for this item to be part of the settlement completion.
  • South of this village is a strange depression in the ground.
    Kampung Tiga Kelapa strange depression outside village



Just Cause 2 - Kampung Tiga Kelapa - civilian village

Completion. Note that a Reapers Marten Storm III has crashed into one of the pumps at the gas station.
