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Kem Rajang Floodgates
Just Cause 2 - Kem Rajang Floodgates - military base 05
Settlement in Panau
Type Floodgates
Geographical Territory Lautan Lama Desert
Influential Territory Ramai Rakyat Islands
Coordinates X:8410; Y:21060
Missions that take place here River Runs Red, see more below.

The Kem Rajang Floodgates is an industrial facility in Just Cause 2.


The location is marked is a military base, but it's actually a floodgate facility. There's one more in the Lautan Lama Desert along the Rajang river. It consists of some industrial buildings; the floodgates themselves and other stuff. There's also two control units to open and close the floodgates, but these can only be acessed during the featured mission.

The name means "Camp Rajang Floodgates" in Malay and Indonesian.

This place will be deserted after River Runs Red. However, it will NOT be deserted upon completion.



Main article: River Runs Red.

During the mission "River Runs Red", these floodgates are opened by hacking two control panels. After the mission, the Rajang river is open for traffic. The Kem Rajang Floodgates are not opened as dramatically as the Kem Sungai Floodgates.



Just Cause 2- settlement completion- Kem Rajang Floodgates

