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This article may seem complete to the untrained eye, but the gaps in information are still large enough for this elite team of Panauan Ninjas to hide inside of.
Quality Level: Quality Level 5 (click here to learn more)

Kepulauan Selatan Iota
Settlement in Panau
Type Communications outpost
Territory Selatan Archipelago
Coordinates X:24300; Y:27520
Missions that take place here None

Kepulauan Selatan Iota is a communications outpost in Just Cause 2.


This outpost contains most of the typical Communications Outpost things: a wooden barracks with a medicine cabinet, a Communications Station, and a guard post. There's no road leading here, though a H-62 Quapaw spawns on the helipad.

Unlike most outposts, this outpost is heavily protected with approximately 12 soldiers, plus a Mounted Gun. As such, it is assumed this outpost is well guarded because of something important.

The outpost will not become deserted after completion.

This outpost is named after the 9th letter in the Greek alphabet: iota (Ι and ι).


On top of a small mountain above a road, not very far from Kampung Lembah Danau. This is a pretty decent spot, allowing it to spy on just about anything in the surrounding area (Bandar Lembah Raja, Bandar Arang Batu Besar, Pantai Kelapa Resort, etc.) and can communicate with several military bases (Hutan Dalam, Pulau Dongeng, Kem Pulau Kerbau, etc.).

About a kilometer to the east on an island, are two Faction Items: a Black Box for the Reapers and a Skull for the Ular Boys.


