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Kuang Homestead
Kuang Homestead
Vehicle in Just Cause 2
Type Boat with 2 floors
Weapons None
Rarity Pretty common
List of owners Civilians
Panau Military
The following statistics are from the official strategy guide.
Top Speed 30
Acceleration 33
Armour 35
Handling 25

The Kuang Homestead is a boat in Just Cause 2.


It has 2 floors and it appears to be a small passenger ship, though it never transports passengers in the game. See also: Public Transportation in Panau. The name suggests that it could also be a house boat.

Oddly, even though it has large closed compartments for passengers and cargo, the driver has to stand outside, exposed to the weather. The driver doesn't even have a chair. And if the lower floor would be filled with cargo or passengers, then the driver couldn't see where the ship is going. The inner part of the lower floor is also protected by an invisible wall.

The hull (lower half of the ship) is identical to other Kuangs.

It's made by the fictional company Kuang.

The hull can spawn in black, dark blue, dark green and dark red. It always has a wooden trim.


Relatively low stats, like most other civilian wooden boats.


  • X:25450; Y:6190 - All Kuangs spawn here. Red-marked, meaning heat if you're seen by the Panau Military driving this boat.
  • Randomly in water traffic.


  • The bottom floor is similar to that of the Kuang Adventure.
  • Like all Kuangs, the person controlling the ship always stands outside.