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Tom Sheldon
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Laguna Del Sol
Laguna Del Sol
As seen from a golden Urga Mstitel.
Settlement in Medici
Type Town
Region Insula Fonte
Province Sirocco Sud
Coordinates N 40 38.730
E 5 43.260
Missions that take place here None

Laguna Del Sol night

The town at night.

Laguna Del Sol is a town in Just Cause 3.


The in-game map description reads: "Meaning "lagoon of the sun", Laguna Del Sol's unique location affords it calm waters year-round, as well as a nice view of Costa Di Ravello - the latter being an unfortunate feature for those that are not a fan of his iron reign of Medici."

Laguna Del Sol is an average-sized town located across a bay from Costa Di Ravello. It has a gas station and a police station. A large dock lies in the western part of the town as part of a Frigo Garage.

There is a Di Ravello tape located here.



In the province of Sirocco Sud, south of Porto Vena and in between Vigilator Sud and Guardia Sirocco II.

Cirilla (view from west)

Laguna Del Sol is at the top left. As seen from the neighbouring town Cirilla.


  • The name means "Sun Lagoon" in Interlingua (Medician) and Spanish.
  • At the northern road entrance, there is a small bump (probably a development oversight) that will cause AI vehicles and the player's vehicle to jump or bounce briefly on an otherwise smooth road.


Seen at about 6:06.
