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Vehicle in Just Cause 3
Type Superbike
Weapons None
Rarity Rare
List of owners Civilians
Top speed (km/h) 300
Top speed (mph) ~186.4

The MV402 is a motorcycle in Just Cause 3.


It's a modern motorcycle.

The Rebel drop descriptions says "With an open-throttle speed over 260 km/h, the MV402 is not recommended for novice riders. Only experts need apply."

There's a Mugello logo on the fuel tank, revealing the manufacturer.


It's the fastest motorcycle in the game, noticeably quicker than anything else in acceleration and speed. It can be a bit twitchy on the handling, especially over bumps and dirt.

The rebel drop description is very aptly worded, as one might find this motorcycle very difficult to steer at high speeds. It's highly recommended to get some kind of grasp of this motorcycle before trying to control yourself when going fast.


  • At the north-east corner of Prima province at the Insula Striate region. 
  • At the Mugello HQ parking lot in Citate Di Ravello. The parking lot is often empty at night and it won't necessarily be there every day.
  • Can be found in all liberated provinces with AI civilian traffic.
  • Can be unlocked for Rebel Drop if it's taken to a garage in any of the Towns in Medici.
  • Provided for some races.


