This is a disambiguation for all mines in the Just Cause game series.
You were probably looking for any of these[]
- For the victim-triggered explosive weapons:
- Naval mines (also known as "sea mines") - Present in all games.
- Land mines - Present in Just Cause 4.
- For other weapons sometimes referred to as mines:
- GE-64, a placeable explosive in Just Cause 3.
- PBX Mine Launcher 2A7, a weapon in Just Cause 4 that fires explosives similar to GE-64.
- To locate specific industrial mineral and/or ore extraction sites, see:
- Military bases in Medici for bavarium mines in Just Cause 3. They're identified as bases in the game.
- Mina Rocanegra and Mina Vendaval for the mines in Just Cause 4. Again, they’re marked as bases in the game.