This is a disambiguation page for Just Cause 2 space related articles.
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- The faction mission Fry me to the Moon features multiple rockets that must be stopped from launching satellites.
- The faction mission Taking Care of the Dishes is about disabling the largest satellite dish in the known Just Cause Universe.
- Research center for rocket engines and fuels: Gunung Gila Pangkat Facility.
- Launch center: Cape Carnival.
- Giant satellite receiver: PAN MILSAT.
- Colonel Adiputera is known to have a background in rocket science and satellite research.
- The storyline mission Three Kings features a Japanese Military satellite (that seems to be hovering at about 1 km altitude) that is a part of their missile guidance system.
- Colonel Lee Yu Wehn is said to be saving money to build "a cannon so big it can shoot canisters of biological weapons to mainland China". This would certainly be a space-launch capable cannon.