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Prisa Hack
JC4 Prisa Hack Prisa Azor 3 interior
Interior of one of the areas.
Mission in Just Cause 4
Type Region Strike
To unlock Capture a nearby region.
Starting location Prisa Automóvil
Reward The region Tierras Bajas is unlocked for capture.

Prisa Hack is a mission in Just Cause 4.


In-game map description: "This car factory is automated. Hack the system to take over the network, rendering the factory defenseless."

Upon reaching Prisa Automóvil, Sargento will come in over the intercom stating that shutting down this factory will be helpful in depriving Espinosa of a major source of income. Rico agrees.


There are three scanners in this car factory. Each requires a specific vehicle in order to open the door to its building. Using the nearby terminals or driving the wrong vehicle into the scanner will tell you the correct vehicle to use, but using the terminals is not required to allow entry. The north-eastern scanner needs a Prisa Azor 3 (read as "Prisa Azor Tres"), the north-western a Sol 21 Sports Sedan, and the southern a Prisa Viveza Bike.

Upon scanning the vehicle, a door will open to reveal a large room with four red/green indicators and a four buttons that change the indicators either individually or in pairs. Press the buttons to change the indicators until they are all green. When you do this successfully, the Black Hand will be alerted and quickly arrive at the building.

Once the Black Hand have been alerted they will be on alert throughout the base, but they can usually be ignored when driving vehicles to scanners if you do so reasonably quickly.

When you complete the last of the three terminals, the entrance to the building will close and you will need to shoot three circuit panels to reopen it. An automated turret on the wall will also activate and start firing on you unless you destroyed it before completing the final terminal.

Once all three areas are completed, Rico needs to head to an area at the east of the factory and use a terminal to reset the system so Izzy can hack it. The hack takes a fair amount of time during which you may not leave the area. (Use the AR lens to see the boundaries of the area.)

Upon reset there will be many Black Hand grunts and a few elites sent to stop you. There are also Red Barrels around the defense area, so be careful of those. Shoot them if you want, but don't be in their explosion radius. A Dropzone Chopper and Spectre Attack Heli will come, but there are plenty of Weapon Crates lying around with an explosive weapon, so they should not pose too much of a threat. You can also obstruct the enemies by using your grapple to move the many shipping crates nearby to make better barriers.

The mission ends when the hack is completed.

