This is a disambiguation for safe zones in the Just Cause Game Series.
You were probably looking for one of these pages[]
- Just Cause Safehouses - Just Cause.
- Provincia Aguilar is a relatively safe area, because the San Esperito Military and Black Hand are never there.
- Strongholds - Just Cause 2.
- The Rebellion bases in Just Cause 3:
- Cava de Rebelles - Rebel hideout in Just Cause 3. Specifically referred to as a "rebel cove" during some missions.
- Grotta Contrabandero - Another rebel hideout. Referred to as a "cove" in Connect the Dots.
- Refugio Umbra - Rebel hideout, entirely on land. Oddly referred to as a "cove" in Rico and the Rose and The Watcher on The Wall.
- The Unnamed outpost at N 40 47.840 E 5 46.790 is controlled by the Rebellion from the start of the game, despite seemingly being located well behind enemy lines.
- El Abismo - Starting point of the Army of Chaos in Just Cause 4.
- See here for a definition of "cove" at a dictionary.