Just Cause Wiki
Ninjas (quality icon)
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This article may seem complete to the untrained eye, but the gaps in information are still large enough for this elite team of Panauan Ninjas to hide inside of.
Quality Level: Quality Level 5 (click here to learn more)

Satellite Station: Henry
Henry BSH
Settlement in Medici
Type Offshore Rig
Region Scolio
Province Stingray Area
Coordinates N 40 46.135
E 5 28.005
Missions that take place here None

Satellite Station: Henry is an offshore rig in Just Cause 3. It is part of the Bavarium Sea Heist DLC.


It's a medium sized offshore rig in the waters of Scolio. It was owned by the eDEN Corporation, but the Black Hand overtook the station some time after the corporation's bankruptcy. Players should be wary of using helicopters during liberation, as 3 SAMs spawn here.

The in-game map description states: "Satellite Station: Henry was the first of the five to be equipped with two newly invented devices, Storm Manipulators and Climate Controllers, before they were successfully deployed to other stations. Within this station, eDEN researchers created the prototypes for what Annika calls "Portable Bavarium shields". These shields are a more stable version of the technology that protects Di Ravello's elite tanks, with the added benefit of increased portability. However, that invention was long kept secret by eDEN officials to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands."


Other destructible items:


  • CS Navajo on a helipad.
  • Urga Hroch next to a platform under one of the bridges.
  • A Corvette under Black Hand control guarding the outpost before liberation.
  • An Urga Postolka is also guarding the location prior to liberation.


  • Like other Stingray satellite stations, Henry is named after an electrical unit.
  • It's the only eDEN offshore rig where every platform and bridge is fully intact.