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Suppression drone
Suppression Drone Airship
Weapon in Just Cause 3
Type Drone
Usage Automated
Maximum ammunition carried Infinity
List of owners eDEN Corporation
Black Hand

The Suppression drone is an automated weapon in Just Cause 3. It is a part of the Sky Fortress and Mech Land Assault DLC.


It is a 4-legged tank-like machine with a rotating turret. The turret is armed with two miniguns that fire Bavarium ammunition. In-universe, the ammunition probably works the same way as that of the Bavarium Splitter rifle.

Before sending the first of these to kill Rico, Eden describes it as: "one of the eDEN Corporation's most recent breakthroughs. State of the art AI, drone technology and weaponry."

Occasionally they make noise, which despite being incomprehensible, sounds a bit emotional. This makes them seem like big robotic animals.


Despite having legs, they do not seem to be mobile. The one in the mission Suit Up kind of stumbles by about a half a step, but does not actually walk. They always remain stationary and shoot at Rico when he is in sight.

The miniguns are very effective against most vehicles, but take much longer to destroy armored vehicles like CS Odjur.

They can be rendered harmless, by flipping them over with the Grappler.

They only shoot at Rico when they can see him. If he is in a vehicle and there are no other heat-affecting drones, they leave him alone.

The ones at Insula Lacrima have anti-aircraft missile launchers built into the top rear compartment. Sometimes they also fire those missiles if Rico is on the edge of a tower near them.

The ones at Lacrima attack both Rico and the Black Hand.


eDEN Corporation[]

Black Hand[]

  • Used by the Black Hand in Storming the Hive. At least 7 can be found in the mission. The mission takes place at night, so it is unknown if they have Black Hand markings.
    • Several can be spotted on random roads out of settlement limits.
    • 4 are on specific placements of the Hive wall.
  • After the mission, one can be found on a nearby road.

