Just Cause Wiki
Just Cause Wiki
Ninjas (quality icon)
This article has been evaluated to be at quality level 5.
This article may seem complete to the untrained eye, but the gaps in information are still large enough for this elite team of Panauan Ninjas to hide inside of.
Quality Level: Quality Level 5 (click here to learn more)

Picture gotten from a "JC2 free-cam noclip" mod.
Character in Just Cause 2
Faction Panau Military
Job Colonel
Last known status Player's choice

Sutan is a character in Just Cause 2.

Quote from the PDA[]

"When Colonel Sutan first discovered his passion for pointless killing and torture he earned himself the nickname 'Satan's Sutan'. He is known as one of Panau's finest and most sought after interrogators. He is a personal friend of the president and is often called on to entertain dinner parties with his sadistic antics."


He is stationed on the Ramai Rakyat Islands and is chilling on a rooftop at X:3070; Y:15350, in the residential district of Panau City. Just like all colonels, he is surrounded by well armed officers.


  • His name may be of Malayan origin, derived from the Arab word "sultan", meaning "king", or much more likely from the word "Satan", which is mentioned on his PDA page.

