Just Cause Wiki
Just Cause Wiki


I could've sworn I saw some boats here, like a SnakeHead T20 and some Kuang boat, but when I turned around i saw nothing?? User:Pingu21 2020.01.19

How far were you when you saw them? Maybe they despawned because they were at the edge of the spawn distance? Also, maybe the boats you saw were there as a part of river traffic? GMRE (talk) 15:19, January 19, 2020 (UTC)
They likely didn't despawn. He probably just ran into a SnakeHead T20 and Kuang boat because they both spawned in the village at that time.
The village has no permanently spawning vehicles, but sometimes a boat or two can spawn at the docks. I have seen this happen before as something of the game's spawning mechanics. Anonymous230385 Any questions? Wanna talk? 21:02, January 19, 2020 (UTC)