Just Cause Wiki
Tom Sheldon
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Theresa Vidal
Theresa Vidal
Character in Just Cause 3
Faction eDEN Corporation
Job Unknown
Last known status Dead

Theresa Vidal is a character in Just Cause 3.


There are multiple dead bodies with her name tag in the Air and Sea DLC:

  • 5 bodies aboard the eDEN airship. All of them are in the labs which can be seen at the end of the mission Severance. There, she is one of the scientists who froze to death after the Eden AI lowered the temperature to -50°C.
  • 2 bodies in the Stingray Area, with one in the main facility and one in an Inflatable liferaft together with an eDEN Security officer and an unidentified eDEN scientist.


A few of her coworkers at eDEN include:

Just Cause 4[]

All or most scientists in JC4 have ID tags. It is unknown if the other tags from Just Cause 3 make a return, but this one was found on a woman at Prospero Tanques along with the words "DERP logistics" on it at the top, signifying that this could be a research company owned by Oscar.

