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Unnamed substation at X:21000; Y:20000
Unmarked transformer station 2.1
The substation.
Settlement in Panau
Type Unmarked location, substation
Territory East Tanah Raya
Coordinates X:21000; Y:20000
Missions that take place here None

This article is about an unnamed and unmarked electrical substation in Just Cause 2.


The location consists mainly of an electrical substation/grindgear station just aside the M2 Highway. The location also includes two Stunt ramps. One is at the northern part of the location and consists of some road signs laid on each other, while the other is made of wood and found in the grass strip in the middle of the highway, in the southern part of the location. Further away, but close enough to see, is a wooden deck with a roof, mounted on a hillside. The purpose of this deck is not known.

There's no Panau Military presence here.

The substation/grindgear station, consisting of some Transformers and Generators is surrounded by a fence. There's a small building just outside the fence, at the northern corner.

Most installations of this type are usually found at large settlements, or settlements with high importance. This installation is oddly located almost in the middle of nowhere, which would give a clue to that this is a very important installation for the Panauan electrical power grid. The Generators here are most likely for giving reserve power to the grid, if the main energy sources should fail. For more info, see Electric Power in Panau.



In the Cabang county of East Tanah Raya, on the southern side of the M2 Highway, just south of Tanah Raya Timur Theta.

