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Unnamed substation at X:23200; Y:6000
Unmarked transformer station 1.1
Settlement in Panau
Type Unmarked settlement, substation
Territory Pelaut Archipelago
Coordinates X:23200; Y:6000
Missions that take place here None

This article is about an unnamed electrical substation in Just Cause 2.


The substation is pretty small and it's hard to say exactly where it ends. The whole part is located along a long Pipeline, which leads to the nearby port Pulau Kait. This is the longest pipeline in Panau: about 2.3 kilometers.

The main part of the location is the large substation. A lot of Transformers and Generators are found inside of the fences. This should be pretty easy to spot when flying above the place. Four vertical Fuel Depots are also placed here, just aside the substation. There are also 2 slum shacks and a small industrial building here.

South of the substation, closer to the M2 Highway, is another small house and, more notably, a Broadcast Tower and a Generator. Destroy them instantly if you see them, as it may be difficult to find them again, if the location is forgotten.

Unmarked transformer station 1

The substation.

Two paved roads go past the substation. One goes to Pulau Kait, just north of the substation, which is the second largest port in Panau, while the other goes in a bridge over Pulau Kait and the other port Kuala Cengkih, and continues around the northern part of the archipelago. The M2 Highway is also found south of the settlement.


In the Pelaut Archipelago, just south of Pulau Kait.

3 paved roads pass the location. One goes to Pulau Kait (second largest port in Panau), just north of the settlement, while the other goes to Kuala Cengkih and continues around the northern part of the archipelago. The M2 Highway also passes south of the location.


The substation most likely serves the nearby settlements by transforming the voltage, but may also serve as a effect backup if the main energy sources in Panau should fail. There is another such station in the middle of East Tanah Raya, though a little smaller.

Sabotage Destructible Objects[]


Southern part[]

See also[]
