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Vehicle mounted weapons
Just Cause 2 helicopter minigun
Minigun and rocket pod on a Si-47 Leopard (JC2).
Weapon in Just Cause game series
Type Multiple
Usage Some used by vehicle driver and some require a separate crewman.
Maximum ammunition in the weapon Infinity (until JC4)
List of owners Depends on vehicle, see vehicle pages.

Vehicle mounted weapons are weapons that are mounted onto, or attached to, vehicles. The article summarizes the subject from the whole Just Cause game series.


There are multiple different types of weapons mounted onto vehicles in the Just Cause games. In Just Cause 2, some of those weapons are confusingly named the same as similarly functioning hand held weapons, hence the need for this article.

Prior to Just Cause 4, all vehicle mounted weapons have infinite ammo. Still, the large reserves of ammunition are rarely depleted before the vehicle is put out of commission.

Just Cause[]

Most vehicle mounted weapons in Just Cause do not have their own names, so they do not cause confusion with their JC2 counterparts.

In the PS2 version of the game, all vehicle mounted weapons can be switched between manual aim and auto-aim, but strangely the PC version of the game only has auto-aim. The only way to fire manually in the PC version, is when the player doesn't have Heat and is about to fire the first shot at an enemy, or when aiming somewhere, where the game doesn't detect enemies.

Harland series armoured vehicles[]

These armored vehicles are armed with a hull-mounted machine gun and a tank gun, multiple rocket launcher or multi-barreled heavy anti-aircraft machinegun in the turret. For more info, see the main article: Harland series armoured vehicles.

Ballard series armoured vehicles[]

These armored vehicles are armed with a hull-mounted machine gun and a tank gun, multiple rocket launcher or multi-barreled heavy anti-aircraft machinegun in the turret. For more info, see the main article: Ballard series armoured vehicles.

Aircraft machine guns[]

Nearly all helicopters have machine guns, all of which share the same behavior despite their different models. Strangely, they look like miniguns (multi-barreled rotary guns that are known to fire very rapidly), but fire slowly like usual machine guns. What's even stranger is that they drop what should be empty cartridges, but looking closely, they're actually complete ammunition with bullets.

Aircraft rocket launchers[]

Helicopters and planes that have these both have identical rocket pods. These can fire one to four at a time, depending on aircraft specifications.

Firing 4 at a time allows them to destroy anything in a single hit (assuming all missiles hit). Two types of heavy attack helicopter even have 8 rocket pods, but they can still only fire a total of 4 missiles at a time.

Hidden weapons on cars[]

  • GP Thunder Extreme Prototype has 2 hidden machine guns and a hidden rocket launcher built into its front end. These weapons can be switched between, but are all inactive by default.
  • Garret Paladin has hidden machine guns in its front end, which are inactive by default and hence unknown to many players.
  • The Agency variant of the Bald Eagle Persuader has machine guns and missile launchers.

Triton Broadsider[]

The ship Triton Broadsider is equipped with a gun turret that fires similarly to the tank guns on the armored vehicles.

Heavy machine gun[]

Main article: Mounted Gun.

This particular gun resembles the M2 Browning. They can be found at cartel villas, on guard towers and mounted on a number of different vehicles.

Vehicle-mounted variants cannot be fired by the driver and require an additional crewman. Some of these can be useful during a Liberation, where friendly NPCs may occasionally hop onto a player-operated vehicle to deliver suppressing fire.

Such vehicles include:

Gallery (JC1)[]

Just Cause 2[]

The vehicle mounted weapons in Just Cause 2 have their own weapon icons and names. This often causes confusion because the identically named hand held weapons have very different characteristics.

Rocket/missile launchers and rocket pods[]

In reality these shoot much bigger and more powerful missiles, but in the game they seem to be the same as Rocket Launchers except they fire faster, have unlimited ammunition, and don't need any form of reloading. Also, in reality, the kind of pods that can be seen on the in-game aircraft can only shoot unguided missiles that are used for ground attack missions.

Rocket pods are carried by multiple aircraft:

Rocket launchers: Other rocket launchers in vehicles can strangely fire as fast as the rocket pods, even though they only have one barrel whereas the pods have multiple. Vehicles with this weapon are MTA Powerrun 77, Poloma Renegade and Hedge Wildchild. These vehicles are only available from the Black Market and must be fully upgraded to obtain the rocket launcher. The only exceptions are the two MTA Powerrun 77s which are parked at the dock at Unnamed island at X:20400; Y:31100 and one in the mission Smugglers do Run.

Machine guns[]

There are several types of vehicle mounted machine guns in JC2.

  • Rowlinson K22 has dual machine guns when fully upgraded at the Black Market. This carries over to other spawn points, except for one, which never spawns with weapons.
  • MTA Powerrun 77 has dual machine guns in a small turret.
  • Garret Traver-Z has dual machine guns in a small turret once upgraded to BM level 6.
  • Poloma Renegade has dual machine guns in a small turret.
  • Hedge Wildchild has dual machine guns in a small turret.
  • GV-104 Razorback has dual machine guns when fully upgraded at the Black Market. This will also carry over to other spawn points, if possible. Two already spawn with machine guns attached.
  • Monster Truck has a small turret with a machine gun.

Several vehicles are armed with a "Mounted Gun", which is the same as a usual Machine Gun, but located in a shielded turret on vehicles that require a separate crewman to control. These guns are strong enough to damage otherwise bulletproof Sabotage Destructable Objects, but are the least threatening overall with their general difficulty of use in practice.

Examples of vehicles with Mounted Guns: Chepachet PVD, Maddox FVA 45, Marten Storm III, MV Quartermaster, URGA-9380 (special version), and YP-107 Phoenix.

For some reason, the GV-104 Razorback and SV-1003 Raider's guns are referred to as "Mounted Guns", even though they behave similar to Miniguns.


They fire much faster than normal machine guns and do more damage.

Grenade launchers[]

The Monster Truck has a small turret that fires two grenades that explode as soon as they hit. These don't fly far, so it's not advised to fire forward while moving. They're most useful for blowing up pursuing vehicles and trees while off-roading.

Auto cannon[]

Main article: Auto cannon.

In reality, any gun with at least 20mm projectiles that has an auto-loading mechanism is an "auto-cannon". This means that even the 4-barrel version of the Flak Cannon is by a modern definition a type of auto cannon.

Confusingly in JC2 there are two completely different weapons with this name. One type is a weapon that fires slowly one shot at a time and the other is basically a heavy, super-slow firing minigun.

Unusable weapons[]

The Winstons Amen 69 has unusable torpedoes and depth charges.

Gallery (JC2)[]


Just Cause 3[]

Some of these weapons have two sets of names. There's the HUD name and sometimes a more detailed name in the Rebel drop description.

Weapon HUD name Vehicles that have them Additional info, if needed
Light Cannon Urga Bkolos 2100.
Heavy Cannon CS Odjur, Imperator Bavarium Tank.
Cannon CS7 Thunderhawk. Appears to be an autocannon, but shares properties with the Urga Vulkan.
Homing Missiles CS7 Thunderhawk.
Heavy Missiles CS Navajo. These are unguided.
Missiles CS Navajo, Loochador, Weaponized Serpente. Unguided. Loochador's Missiles are guided, but has a heat meter that renders them temporarily inoperable after prolonged use.
Bombs U-7 Dravec.
Rockets U-7 Dravec, Urga Mstitel.
Cannon Corvette.
Machine Guns Carmen Albatross. Notice that the name is plural, unlike the ones below. That's because the vehicle has 6 of them.
Machine Gun CS Baltdjur, CS Powerrun 77, Custode 29, one version of the rebel Stria Facocero and Urga Szturm 63A. An externally Mounted Gun turret that needs an additional operator. According to writing on the magazine, it's a "W206 Mounted Capstone M2HM". Made by Capstone, it has a resemblance to the Browning M2HB. It also borrows some design cues from the General Dynamics/Joint Services Small Arms Program XM312, 205th Armory Type 90 MG and Mauser Werke MG 42. Judging by the fact that this weapon is named so similarly to the M2HB, it is reasonable to speculate that in-univerese, it might have been a license-built M2HB, named M2HM by Capstone.
Machine Gun CS Odjur, Imperator Bavarium Tank, Weaponized Urga Ogar and possibly a few more. A driver-operated, rapid-fire weapon that seems to be more powerful than the above with a higher rate of fire and damage.
Autocannon Mech. Rapid-firing explosive weapon with moderate area damage. Has a heat meter that renders it temporarily inoperable after prolonged use.
Fire Leech Mech. Behaves somewhat similar to the Fire Leech rocket launcher. Has a heat meter that renders it temporarily inoperable after prolonged use.
Bavarium Splitter Mech. Acts as a much more powerful variant of the Bavarium Splitter. Has a heat meter that renders it temporarily inoperable after prolonged use.
Minigun(s) Urga Postolka, Urga Hrom D, Urga Mstitel, Weaponized Pescespada SS, Loochador, and possibly a few more. These are Urga Vulkans, operated by the driver. Loochador's Miniguns have a heat meter that renders them temporarily inoperable after prolonged use.
Tank cannon small (never found in game) Urga Bkolos 2100. This weapon name is a placeholder for Urga Bkolos 2100's light cannon. It was renamed before the game launch.
Anti-surface missiles (never found in game) U-7 Dravec. This weapon name is Cut game content from Just Cause 3. It was renamed before the game launch.

The Rebel drop descriptions reveals longer, realistic weapon names for some vehicles:

  • Urga Hrom D description: "The Urga Hrom D is pure mayhem with a rotor on top. With the Janus-88M-Minigun and 95 Volcanus missile pre-loaded, it can make whole bases disappear in seconds."
  • CS7 Thunderhawk description: "When it comes to aerial firefights, few top the CS7 Thunderhawk, featuring the M98 machine gun, M62 Mako repeating missiles and M-78 Kauga heat-seekers."
  • Urga Postolka description: "This light assault helicopter is equally equipped to handle patrol detail, base sieges, or air-to-air firefights. It comes equipped with the Janus-45S minigun."

There is a EDEN Corporation Urga Szturm 63A in the game files that was meant to spawn as a wreck at the bottom of Stingray and at an eDEN science station somewhere on Insula Lacrima. It was meant to have a different design and functionality, among these differences is an AA emplacement on it instead of the standard turret. Its unknown what the AA would have looked like. See also: Cut game content from Just Cause 3.

Gallery (JC3)[]


Just Cause 4[]

Several Vehicles in Just Cause 4 have mounted weapons. Most are military vehicles, but some are modified civilian vehicles.

A significant difference from the previous games is the fact that all vehicle mounted weapons now have limited ammunition and cannot be resupplied, so the only way to get more is to obtain another vehicle. Typically, however, this shouldn't be an issue as vehicles are often put out of commission before their weapons run dry.

Many items are given the same name, but are different.

Weapon HUD name Vehicles that have them Ammo capacity Additional info, if needed
Machine Gun Reptile AAV. 1600 Slow-firing, high damage machine gun. Controlled from inside.
Machine Gun Cavalry Armored Truck. 1600 Slow-firing, high damage machine gun. Externally mounted.
Cannon Falconer AA Tank. 300 Technically 75 shells per cannon. Surprisingly powerful, despite being small-caliber, scaled down autocannons.
Cannon Pointman Scout Tank. 300
Cannon Prizefighter Tank. 300
Machine Gun Prizefighter Tank. 1600 Slow-firing, high damage machine gun. Controlled from inside.
Cannon Warchief Assault Tank. 300
Machine Gun Warchief Assault Tank. 1600 Slow-firing, high damage machine gun. Controlled from inside.
Machine Gun PA Microfighter. 1600 Faster-firing machine gun with tracer rounds and a different sound effect.
Machine Gun Fellhawk Jet Fighter. 1600 Faster-firing machine gun with tracer rounds and a different sound effect.
Missiles Fellhawk Jet Fighter. 30 These are guided fire-and-forget missiles, but require an initial lock-on from the pilot operating it for it to chase the target. Missiles are consumed two at a time, but fire four, making the effectiv total capacity 60 with 15 salvos.
Machine Gun Thunderhead Bomber Jet. 1600 Faster-firing machine gun with tracer rounds and a different sound effect.
Carpet Bomb Thunderhead Bomber Jet. 60 Drops several bombs per bombing run. It is unknown how many ammunition units a single bombing run reduces.
Cannon Longbow Cannon Truck. 300 Very large and powerful artillery gun. Strangely it deals much less damage and has a much smaller blast radius than one would expect from the massive shell it fires.
Cannon Trains and railroads in Solís. 300 Massive artillery gun mounted on trains that is very powerful. Both basic Black Hand and Sandstinger versions have 300 rounds, meaning 150 each for the Black Hand version.
Machine Gun Firebrand Scout Chopper. 1000 A third type of machine gun. Appears to be a minigun. Pre-release screenshots showed a third nose-mounted minigun, so it's unknown if there was going to be 1500 rounds.
Missile Spectre Attack Helicopter. 100 These are unguided.
Missile Bloodhound Siege Heli. 100 These are unguided.
Machine Gun Bloodhound Siege Heli. 1600 A third type of machine gun. Appears to be a minigun
Machine Gun Daggershark Jetboat 1600 Slow-firing, high damage machine gun.
Machine Gun Stormwater Patrol Boat 1600 Slow-firing, high damage machine gun. Externally mounted.
Mortar Stormwater Patrol Boat 50 Not a mortar at all. It is actually a missile launcher. When used against surface targets it fires missiles in an artillery-like trajectory.
Machine Gun Thunderbarge 1600 Slow-firing, high damage machine gun. Externally mounted.
Mortar Thunderbarge 50 (infinite in the mission) Same mortar as the Stormwater Patrol Boat: not a mortar, but a missile launcher.
Ion Coil Thunderbarge N/A Technically not a weapon, its only utility is to act as a lightning rod.

Dare Devils of Destruction DLC[]

The DLC includes a number of weaponized sports cars. The letter at the end of the name indicates the upgrade level. B is the entry-level, A improves the vehicles statistics and S adds wheels spikes (spear tips in the wheels, like on Roman chariots). Some vehicles get dual miniguns at S level.

  • "Azor Stylex B" hatchback racecar with dual SMGs on the hood and small rocket engines to help with drifting.
  • "Sol Velocista-B" with dual SMGs on the hood and grenade launchers to eliminate vehicles from behind you.
  • "Excorpión Scatterbane B" - Muscle car with dual shotguns on the hood.
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?

Danger Rising DLC[]

Black Market DLC[]

  • The X700 Flycatcher is armed with 240 "missiles".
  • The Hellbender is armed with 60 "missile"s and 300 "cannon" rounds.
  • The SS Borracho is armed with a "main cannon" (front cannon, 300 rounds) and "broadside cannons" (300 rounds).
  • The Thresher is armed with "machine guns" (1600 ammunition) and a laser. The laser seems to be there for aesthetic purposes only, as it doesn't seem to deal any damage whatsoever. The machine guns and laser fire simultaneously at the tap of the fire button.
  • The Brawler Mech is armed with two "gravity guns" that make things levitate and throw them far away. They can also "punch" things.
  • The Prospero Shade is armed with 1600 rounds for a "machine gun".
  • The El Tanquecito is armed with 300 rounds for a "cannon".
  • The El Pajarito is armed with 60 bombs.
  • The El Bosquecito is armed with a "mortar" with 50 rounds.
  • The Deathstalker Scorpion Assault Buggy is armed with a "machine gun" with 1600 rounds.

Gallery (JC4)[]

Dare Devils of Destruction[]

Danger Rising[]

Black Market DLC[]
