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Zeno Antithikara
Turncoat Zeno
He's in the center.
Character in Just Cause 3
First appearance Turncoat
Faction Medici Military
The Rebellion
Job Scientist
Last known status Deceased

Zeno Antithikara is a character and secondary antagonist in Just Cause 3.

Personal life[]

According to himself in The Watcher on The Wall, he was always an unpopular and ugly person. Di Ravello likewise gives a similar description in his tapes, claiming he is sycophantic, desperate for attention and despised by his co-workers.


He's a scientist in the field of Bavarium weapons development. His colleague Dimah describes him as having an adequate IQ. According to himself in The Watcher on The Wall, he wanted to develop Bavarium for civilian uses, but Di Ravello wanted weapons.

In the mission Turncoat, he reveals he was part of "Di Ravello's Bavarium Corps" and that he wants to defect. He agreed to defect, because Dimah had "made very specific offers of wealth and land". He was angry at her for tricking him, because he received no reward. He also expresses disappointment at Rico and Mario being the only people The Rebellion send to protect him. They subsequently deliver him to a rebel farm anyway.

In the mission Rico and the Rose, it is revealed that Zeno was spying for General Di Ravello (implying he was working for the general all along, thus being a double agent). Mario threatens to kill him, but Rosa has him arrested instead. Later Di Ravello sends the Black Hand to free him. He attempts to escape in a helicopter during The Watcher on The Wall but is killed by Rico.


